Replacement Chips for Brother DCP-J562DW/ MFC-J480DW/ MFC-J680DW/ MFC-J880DW Series

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29 Apr,2016


Brother released color inkjet all-in-one and multifunction printers for Australia region in late 2015. Its print speed up to 12ppm in monochrome and 10ppm in color for different models, suitable for home printing or small office. According to the sort of technology, the replacement chips belong to Brother II generation.


APEX Chips


The replacement chips for use in Brother DCP-J562DW/ MFC-J480DW/ MFC-J680DW/ MFC-J880DW series have been released by Apex! The chips identified as “non-OEM cartridge” in printers, which meet the requirements of Brother’s “White Paper”; both one-time and CISS solutions are available; employ ASIC design and the chips’ performance is comparable to OEM. Sample requesting and consulting are sincerely welcome!


Product List


Apex Code OEM Code Color Yield Region For Use in Printers
AJB-LC231BK LC231BK BK 270 AUS Brother DCP-J562DW/MFC-J480DW
Brother MFC-J680DW/MFC-J880DW
AJB-LC231C LC231C C 270
AJB-LC231M LC231M M 270
AJB-LC231Y LC231Y Y 270
AJB-LC231BKR LC231BK BK 270 AUS Brother DCP-J562DW/MFC-J480DW
Brother MFC-J680DW/MFC-J880DW
AJB-LC231CR LC231C C 270
AJB-LC231MR LC231M M 270
AJB-LC231YR LC231Y Y 270


Gethering of replacement chips for Brother I & II series


Apex Code OEM Code Color Yield Region For Use in Printers
AJB-LC10EBK LC10EBK BK 2400 USA Brother MFC-J6925DW
AJB-LC10EC LC10EC C 1200
AJB-LC10EM LC10EM M 1200
AJB-LC10EY LC10EY Y 1200
AJB-LC12EBK LC12EBK BK 2400 EUR Brother MFC-J6925DW
AJB-LC12EC LC12EC C 1200
AJB-LC12EM LC12EM M 1200
AJB-LC12EY LC12EY Y 1200
AJB-LC15EBK LC15EBK BK 2400 JPN Brother MFC-J6990CDW
AJB-LC15EC LC15EC C 1200
AJB-LC15EM LC15EM M 1200
AJB-LC15EY LC15EY Y 1200


Apex Code OEM Code Color Yield Region For Use in Printers
AJB-LC201BK LC201BK BK 270 USA Brother MFC-J460DW/MFC-J480DW
Brother MFC-J485DW/MFC-J680DW
Brother MFC-J880DW/MFC-J885DW
AJB-LC201C LC201C C 270
AJB-LC201M LC201M M 270
AJB-LC201Y LC201Y Y 270
AJB-LC221BK LC221BK BK 270 EUR Brother DCP-J562DW/MFC-J480DW
Brother MFC-J680DW/MFC-J880DW
AJB-LC221C LC221C C 270
AJB-LC221M LC221M M 270
AJB-LC221Y LC221Y Y 270
AJB-LC211BK LC211BK BK 270 JPN Brother DCP-J963N-W/B
Brother DCP-J762N/J562N
Brother MFC-J880N/DCP-J962N
Brother MFC-J730DW/MFC-J830DW
Brother MFC-J900DW/MFC-J990DW
AJB-LC211C LC211C C 270
AJB-LC211M LC211M M 270
AJB-LC211Y LC211Y Y 270
AJB-LC261BK LC261BK BK 270 AP Brother DCP-J562DW
Brother MFC-J480DW
Brother MFC-J680DW
Brother MFC-J880DW
AJB-LC261C LC261C C 270
AJB-LC261M LC261M M 270
AJB-LC261Y LC261Y Y 270
AJB-LC263BK LC263BK BK 550
AJB-LC263C LC263C C 550
AJB-LC263M LC263M M 550
AJB-LC263Y LC263Y Y 550
AJB-LC20EBK LC20EBK BK 2400 USA Brother  MFC-J5920DW
AJB-LC20EC LC20EC C 1200
AJB-LC20EM LC20EM M 1200
AJB-LC20EY LC20EY Y 1200
AJB-LC22EBK LC22EBK BK 2400 EUR Brother  MFC-J5920DW
AJB-LC22EC LC22EC C 1200
AJB-LC22EM LC22EM M 1200
AJB-LC22EY LC22EY Y 1200
AJB-LC23EBK LC23EBK BK 2400 AUS Brother  MFC-J5920DW
AJB-LC23EC LC23EC C 1200
AJB-LC23EM LC23EM M 1200
AJB-LC23EY LC23EY Y 1200

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