Apex’s first show in RT Imaging Summit —— Americas 2016

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08 Jun,2016
The big feast of the aftermarket: RT Imaging Summit —— Americas was held in Cancun, Mexico on June 2nd to 3rd, attracts numerous business to join in.  
In the Expo, Apex’s Unismart chip resetting system drew lots of attention from local customers. This environmental protection device can reset over 900 OEM models and over 95% of Apex’s chips. The popularity of the device even won several orders during the show.
Apex’s new IoT products also made their debut in the American show, including NFC high capacity card, fingerprint module, fingerprint lock and other memory & storage products. This series of new products is Apex’s new attempts in stepping in electronics industry. Apex’s NFC large capacity technology was received recognition and achieved cooperative intention from and with our clients. In future, Apex will keep on developing American market and finding new opportunities!
Let’s looking forward to the RT Imaging Summit —— Americas 2017!